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Slade's Destiny: Book Three of The Witchcraft Wars

It is Slade's Destiny to somehow save all of Kaynos from complete, total destruction. He doesn't know how or why but he must find out because time is running out. The war has begun and Lord Michael leads out his vastly outnumbered army to face an enemy that is lethal and possesses the skill of witchcraft. 

Lord Nexus has revealed himself as a traitor and it is a race to see who between he and Shallendara can open the portal to the very realm of the gods themselves. One seeks ultimate power and the other the ultimate revenge but should either of them succeed it will mean total devastation for Kaynos. 

Can Slade find his father and fulfil his destiny in time to save an entire world?


Slade had watched his sister’s attack in sheer amazement.  She had moved with such speed and so efficiently that he had barely had time to draw his weapons.  Evidently the training she had so far been given as an initiate monk with the Black Lotus was proving to be extremely successful.  He walked over to her as she leaned against the smooth stone, barely out of breath despite the frenzy of her attack.  He truly wasn’t sure whether to console or congratulate his sister but he held her tightly anyway, trying to convey all the love and pride he felt for her.

“How,” she whispered, panting slightly “how in all of Kaynos are we supposed to fight them?”

“Unless they are a true witch, like the Oz'ke'lati, then shattering their crystal will put an end to their use of witchcraft,” Roulibard answered, “Then you’re just facing a well-armed and well trained warrior.”

Ursula laughed, although there was no mirth in it, “And she has an army of these psychic warriors?”

“Well we don’t really know for sure exactly how many there are,” Slade answered her, “I’ve only ever seen a few of them and they are usually either alone or in groups of two or three.”

Slade looked down into the face of the man his sister had just killed.  He felt certain that her rage, her fear, even the pain the psychic warrior had caused had likely lent her strength far beyond that which she usually possessed.  The young druid though felt utterly heartsick. 

The people of Kemet, the other kingdoms that his brother, Ulrich and Shallendara had chosen to attack; they would have to face an army of these warriors.  Not to mention the Oz'ke'lati and the half-elven witch herself.  He stoically kept his face neutral but he felt the sheer helplessness as he finally accepted the sad realization that they may not be able to win this war.

“You must not give up hope Ursula,” Slade said, still holding her to him in a hug just as he had when they were children.

“Hope?” she said, pulling away, “how can we have any hope when they can destroy us before we even lift a sword?”

“There are spells,” Roulibard interrupted her calmly, “arcane spells for the most part but they do exist and can be used to fight the psychic warriors as well as the Oz'ke'lati.  Once we have rescued King Erich I will travel to The Republic of Malerok and appeal directly to the Council.  They will listen to me, I’m certain of it.  After all they listened once before and I became their salvation, now it is time for them to repay that debt.”

Slade saw his sister carefully watching the mage, a desperate hope on her face, and prayed that Roulibard was right about the Council.  If they could not stop Shallendara and her terrible allies now then Kaynos would be devastated completely.

As for Ulrich, he was utterly disgusted that his own flesh and blood could ever have agreed to be a part of this nightmare and all for the promise of power.  For his betrayal of their father, their country, their entire world, when he saw him next he would kill him with his bare hands.

Slade suggested that they move the body of the dead warrior as close to the stone walls as possible.  It would be discovered sooner or later but he would prefer if it was later.  They had to keep moving at all speed if there was any chance of saving Kaynos from the witch’s ambitions. 

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